لبنان يختنق…
ساهموا معنا بشراء أجهزة توليد الأكسجين لدعم أكبر عدد من المصابين…
تجدر الاشارة إلى أن هذه الأجهزة غير متوفرة حالياً… وأيام تفصلنا عن إمكانية تأمينها مجاناً للمصابين المحتاجين
معاً لمواجهة كورونا
Lebanon Needs Oxygen
Help us support patients with covid-19 by donating today.
Your donation will support the purchase of oxygen condensers and respiratory equipment that are highly needed.
The equipment will be available in a few days and given to those most in need for free.
Together against covid-19
Help us support patients with covid-19 by donating today.
Your donation will support the purchase of oxygen condensers and respiratory equipment that are highly needed.
The equipment will be available in a few days and given to those most in need for free.
Together against covid-19